Area of improvement

There is always room for improvement, no one here is a fallen angel from above. We all need to upswing our traits, but here I list out a few traits which I want to see a breakthrough. Let’s pitch in! Being kind Frankly, most of the time I just behave like a mirror; I doContinue reading “Area of improvement”

A letter to someone

This letter is for my younger self! Dear young heart, I know you’re all excited about your teenage, I can sense that from the way you flip your dupatta. I’m glad for you. You’re way unique; You’re doing things differently. Your countless number of friends say that you’re an extrovert. You’re admiring and building peopleContinue reading “A letter to someone”

My guilty pleasures

Happiness isn’t always that huge success or money! At times they’re little things in and around us that occupy the most of our heart. Here are my few guilt pleasures, Stealing soaps and toiletries from hotels. Stocking up the refrigerator with family-pack ice creams. Sparkling clean kitchen. Falling asleep in the beanbag while watching movies/series.Continue reading “My guilty pleasures”

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